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First aid course

March 26 @ 17:00-22:00


Tristan Cordier Kira Haataja Laura Gaiger Maaike Steijnen Pierre Dussaux
Mathias Blobel Helene Solem Yoeri Otten Malin Lundholm
Crew: 9 / 15

Registrations are closed for this event

We’re holding a first aid course taught by Røde Kors with some emphasis on skills one would need as when sailing!

The course starts at 17:00 at room UA7b at Allegaten 41 (Grupperom 6, Realfagbygget). There will be pauses during the course and snacks/food provided.

Contact person: Alex – 96757230
(to enter the building, or other questions)


March 26


UA7b, Allegaten 41
Allegaten 41
Bergen, Norway