All members of the club agree to the following:
- BSI Seiling is a student organization that also welcomes non-students.
- All members must follow instructions given by the skipper at all times, both on land and on the boat.
- All members are responsible for not putting themselves or other peoples in danger while they are sailing.
- All members must meet on time for the sailing sessions they have signed up for. If a member is running late or no longer can participate on a sailing session, the member is responsible for contacting the skipper as soon as possible.
- All members have to behave in a way that is not aggressive or offensive to the other members of the club.
- All members must follow the harbour rules. All members must avoid to behave in a way that can affect BSI Seilings reputation and good relationship to the harbour.
- By being a member you give the right to the club to publish your full name and phone number in the sailing plan
If a member repeatedly or seriously misbehaves according to our club rules, the board of BSI Seiling has a right to withdraw their membership (by voting).