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USF Family day

Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway

Schmelnick – Maintenance

Schmelnick (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway

Vegard – Bella to RAN

Bella (Albin Delta 31ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen
Crew: 6 / 7

Juan – Juli to RAN

Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway
Crew: 5 / 5

Alex – Schmelnick to RAN

Schmelnick (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway
Crew: 6 / 6

Juan – Juli from RAN

Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway
Crew: 0 / 5

Member sailing Juli

Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway
Crew: 0 / 4

Alex – Juli – Regatta

Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway
Crew: 4 / 4

17th of May celebration on Bella

Bella (Albin Delta 31ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen
We will try to sail Bella to Vågen(bryggen), and just hang out and celebrate the 17th of May there. Stay tuned for more information!

Juli Maintenance

Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway

Sailing to RAN (for maintenance)

Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway
Crew: 2 / 4
We need some crew for sailing Juli to RAN to be lifted. Would be convenient if you also had the time to help out when lifting her. The sailing will take approximately three hours, and lifting might take some time. You would also need to take the bus back to Read more…

Juli Maintenance

Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen, Norway