4 sailings found.
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RAN trip
Cabin trip – more information to come You can now register here: https://bsiseiling.no/product/ran-cabin-trip-spring-2023/
Bella from RAN – Vegard
Bella (Albin Delta 31ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen
Noone will be leaving before the cabin is clean, so this is an approximate departure time.
Juli from RAN – Laura
Juli (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen
Noone will be leaving before the cabin is clean, so this is an approximate departure time.
Schmelnick from RAN – Pierre
Schmelnick (Albin Express 27ft.) Damsgårdsveien 175, Laksevåg, Bergen
Noone will be leaving before the cabin is clean, so this is an approximate departure time.